A request from the Oregon Conservation Network Director and the Rogue Valley Audubon Conservation Committee
We need our legislators to pass bonding on the Elliott State Forest. And we only have 18 days left. Tell your legislator you support bonding for the Elliott!
In May, the State Land Board – Governor Brown, Treasurer Read, Secretary Richardson – voted unanimously to keep the Elliott in public hands. The Elliott is now on a path toward public ownership that protects the forest’s diverse habitats for the marbled murrelet, northern spotted owl, elk, and Coho salmon. It’s because of you and thousands of other OLCV members speaking up that we have gotten this close to truly saving the Elliott from the clutches of private timber companies. Now that we are in the final hour, it’s time for our legislators to hear from us.
In order to truly protect the Elliott, the legislature must pass $100 million in bonding, and we have just 18 days left of legislative session for it to happen. With the bonding money, we can decouple the forest from the Common School Fund, develop a habitat conservation plan that protects our endangered species and logging rights, and provide investments in the Common School Fund.
Help us send a strong message to our state legislators that they must follow through in protecting the Elliott.
At a time when there are intense interests nationally to sell off our public lands, it’s our duty to be good stewards of the land, protecting it from corporate interests who would destroy our natural heritage for a quick buck.
We only have 18 days to get the legislature to stand up for public land. We need to act now.
Thanks for your support,

Paige Spence, Oregon Conservation Network Director
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