March 2018 Conservation Column

By |2018-06-05T19:16:50-07:00February 28th, 2018|Conservation Columns|

The Conservation Column By Juliet Grable Conservation Victory: Oregon Commission Uplists Marbled Murrelet to Endangered On February 9, 2018, I attended a public hearing in Portland, during which the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission (OFWC) voted to approve a petition to uplist the Marbled Murrelet from Threat-ened to Endangered under the Oregon Endangered Species Act [...]

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March Chapter Meeting: Our Public Forests, Then and Now

By |2018-03-28T18:41:25-07:00February 27th, 2018|News Page|

Public lands are often said to be one of America's greatest ideas. But lately, the very concept of "public lands" has been made controversial by malevolent influences like the Bundy family and Koch brothers. To better understand our local public forests, come hear from historian Greg Walter about the history of our public lands, aka [...]

Marbled murrelet officially listed as endangered species in Oregon

By |2018-04-18T22:25:12-07:00February 14th, 2018|Conservation, News Page|

The state's Fish and Wildlife Commission voted Friday (2/9) to reclassify the seabird as endangered after a marathon daylong meeting in Portland at which our own Juliet Grable testified. More details on the meeting and actions taken therein can be found in this Oregon Live article.

New Location for Monthly Bird Walk

By |2018-02-17T15:01:22-08:00February 6th, 2018|News Page|

(Note - The Medford paper has listed the WRONG LOCATION for this event. Please note that it continues to be Denman Wildlife Area. See you there Feb. 7). On Wednesday,  Jan. 3,  2018, the First Wednesday Bird Walk will move to the Denman Wildlife Area, and all future walks will take place there. Walks begin [...]


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