This is an IMPORTANT message to all visitors to Kirtland Rd. Ponds. As many know RVSS has modified the sewage lagoons with an eye towards improving shorebird habitat as well as modifying their own work environment. The grading process is now mostly complete. Birders are welcome to visit but please make sure you park in the new parking area well away from the main entrance gate. See the attached maps.
We MUST keep to the west side of the work area. DO NOT enter the eastside as seen on the map. Access and viewing are from the Dike Trail and the foottrail. When one gets up on the dike from the parking area one can view the pond area to the east but DO NOT walk down that Dike toward the lagoons. Proceed either down the foot trail in yellow on map or around on the Dike Trail.
There will be more signage out there soon. Remember also if there is work being done in the parking area or near the public access area either park along the road or bird it another day. Please stay out of the way.
RVSS has been amazingly open and tolerant to birders. We owe them a huge amount of gratitude.
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