Christmas Bird Count Maps
Maps digitized by Julie Clark (Medford) and Kailey Ann Doht Nelson (Ashland), with supervision and maintenance provided by E. Jamie Trammell, PhD, Southern Oregon University
Maps digitized by Julie Clark (Medford) and Kailey Ann Doht Nelson (Ashland), with supervision and maintenance provided by E. Jamie Trammell, PhD, Southern Oregon University
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Interpreting these numbers should be done with caution, and requires considerable care and allowing for a number of variables. These include the effort put forth to find and count the birds. The number of observers and parties, the effort in hours and miles traveled, and in some cases the experience and skill of observers can affect numbers of birds recorded.
Select the desired species below and hit the update button
Interpreting these numbers should be done with caution, and requires considerable care and allowing for a number of variables. These include the effort put forth to find and count the birds. The number of observers and parties, the effort in hours and miles traveled, and in some cases the experience and skill of observers can affect numbers of birds recorded.
Select the desired species below and hit the update button