Submit Your Photos to RVAS

To submit your bird photos for inclusion in our Photo Gallery, please fill out the form below and attach the photo.
If you have questions, please contact us.
Thank you for your interest in the RVAS photography gallery.
The Objectives of the RVAS Photo Gallery are to:
  • provide visitors to the RVAS site a sampling of recently seen birds.
  • provide a general location where the photos were taken.
  • provide RVAS members with an opportunity to display their copyrighted photos online.
If you agree with these objectives, please add to the gallery by completing the following form and adhering to the photo criteria:
  1. The photo will feature species recently seen locally.
  2. All images will have been taken within an expanded RVAS area. (e.g. Southern Oregon, Klamath County, the coast, and Northern California)
  3. The bird in the photo needs to be identifiable by the photographer.
  4. For optimal viewing, it’s recommended that the largest side of the photo will not exceed 2,000 pixels.
  5. Signatures may be embedded into the image (Note: the photographer’s name will be included in the photo info with © preceding the photographer’s name).
  6. Please limit your uploads to one every 7 days (up to 3 photos in a series may be submitted if the subject is a single species demonstrating interesting behavior).
Note: Please crop your photos for optimal viewing. All are encouraged to participate.

    Please read and understand the photo selection criteria to the left before filling out this form
