New Location for Monthly Bird Walk

By |2018-02-17T15:01:22-08:00February 6th, 2018|News Page|

(Note - The Medford paper has listed the WRONG LOCATION for this event. Please note that it continues to be Denman Wildlife Area. See you there Feb. 7). On Wednesday,  Jan. 3,  2018, the First Wednesday Bird Walk will move to the Denman Wildlife Area, and all future walks will take place there. Walks begin [...]

Migratory Bird Treaty Act Threat Sign-on Letter

By |2019-04-30T20:51:11-07:00January 25th, 2018|Conservation, News Page|

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) this year, our core bird protection law is facing its most serious threat in a century of existence. Last month, the Trump administration released a legal opinion that it now interprets MBTA to only cover hunting and will no longer enforce incidental [...]

Dippers didn’t disappoint

By |2018-01-12T10:02:04-08:00January 11th, 2018|Field Trip Reports, News Page|

Reported by Bob Quaccia. The 19th Annual American Dipper count on Ashland Creek yielded a slightly above average total of 5 Dippers. A lucky number of 13 observers hugged both sides of the creek for 1.75 miles stopping at every bridge to compare notes. The mild weather was a great improvement over last year’s snow [...]

Raptor survey volunteers needed

By |2018-02-12T19:36:46-08:00January 8th, 2018|News Page, Volunteer|

Looking for something different to do this winter? Do you like raptors or want to learn more about them? If so, volunteer opportunities are currently available to help conduct wintering raptor surveys. The surveys will be conducted by volunteers and Sarah Norton, a graduate student at SOU. These surveys will help collect data for Sarah’s [...]

Feb. Chapter Meeting: The Birds of Patagonia

By |2018-04-18T22:27:04-07:00December 29th, 2017|News Page, Uncategorized|

Patagonia is a region within Chile and Argentina that occupies the southernmost portion of South America—and is one of the most magnificently scenic landscapes on earth. In this presentation Brandon Breen will share photos and experiences from a hiking and birdwatching trip he took there in February of 2015, and also provide an overview of [...]

Jan. Chapter Meeting

By |2018-01-24T10:47:49-08:00December 28th, 2017|News Page, Uncategorized|

The Ocean: Threats and Prospects Presented by Daphne Fautin and Bob Buddemeier Daphne Fautin has a Ph.D. in zoology from UC Berkeley. She became a marine biologist at the University of Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. She was Curator and Director of Research at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, then Professor of Ecology [...]

Falcon vs. hawks – a surprise winner

By |2017-12-26T19:59:31-08:00December 22nd, 2017|News Page|

By Vince Zausky, Dec. 16, 2017 Medford Christmas Bird Count We had pretty chilly weather to begin around 8:15 a.m. with some fog and 24 degrees.  It was warmer by late in the a.m. and probably hit mid-50's by 2 or 3 p.m.  At the upper sewage ponds, we usually have a lot of waterfowl [...]

New location for monthly bird walk

By |2018-04-18T22:27:49-07:00December 12th, 2017|News Page, Uncategorized|

(Note - The Medford paper has listed the WRONG LOCATION for this event. Please note that it continues to be Denman Wildlife Area. See you there Feb. 7). On Wednesday,  Jan. 3,  2018, the First Wednesday Bird Walk will move to the Denman Wildlife Area, and all future walks will take place there. Walks begin [...]

Five reasons to do a CBC

By |2017-12-22T19:36:48-08:00December 5th, 2017|News Page, Uncategorized|

Audubon Christmas Bird Counts are a special part of American history. Here are five reasons to join in a Rogue Valley Audubon count: Two counts to choose from - Medford and Ashland. Prove to the birds that you can spend all day outside in winter too. Explore a new part of the county with a dedicated birding team. [...]


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