Annual Picnic

By |2018-05-23T18:37:15-07:00April 26th, 2018|News Page|

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 6  - 8 p.m. Location TouVelle State Park Picnic Shelter A All members and guests are welcome This annual picnic replaces our May chapter meeting. Come celebrate our valley birds. Bird Walk 6 p.m. (sharp!)
 A guided bird walk will wind through the park and along the Rogue River. Potluck dinner [...]

April Chapter Meeting: Lake Abert: A Waterbird Oasis in an Arid Landscape

By |2018-04-26T14:31:13-07:00March 28th, 2018|News Page|

Presented by RON LARSON, PhD Salty-alkaline lakes are not the kind of place you would want to call home. After all, salt is used to preserve food, and with a pH of 10, the water is like diluted bleach. Yet, Lake Abert, located in arid south-central Oregon, is a waterbird Mecca, with over 80 species [...]

March Chapter Meeting: Our Public Forests, Then and Now

By |2018-03-28T18:41:25-07:00February 27th, 2018|News Page|

Public lands are often said to be one of America's greatest ideas. But lately, the very concept of "public lands" has been made controversial by malevolent influences like the Bundy family and Koch brothers. To better understand our local public forests, come hear from historian Greg Walter about the history of our public lands, aka [...]

Marbled murrelet officially listed as endangered species in Oregon

By |2018-04-18T22:25:12-07:00February 14th, 2018|Conservation, News Page|

The state's Fish and Wildlife Commission voted Friday (2/9) to reclassify the seabird as endangered after a marathon daylong meeting in Portland at which our own Juliet Grable testified. More details on the meeting and actions taken therein can be found in this Oregon Live article.

New Location for Monthly Bird Walk

By |2018-02-17T15:01:22-08:00February 6th, 2018|News Page|

(Note - The Medford paper has listed the WRONG LOCATION for this event. Please note that it continues to be Denman Wildlife Area. See you there Feb. 7). On Wednesday,  Jan. 3,  2018, the First Wednesday Bird Walk will move to the Denman Wildlife Area, and all future walks will take place there. Walks begin [...]

Migratory Bird Treaty Act Threat Sign-on Letter

By |2019-04-30T20:51:11-07:00January 25th, 2018|Conservation, News Page|

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) this year, our core bird protection law is facing its most serious threat in a century of existence. Last month, the Trump administration released a legal opinion that it now interprets MBTA to only cover hunting and will no longer enforce incidental [...]

Dippers didn’t disappoint

By |2018-01-12T10:02:04-08:00January 11th, 2018|Field Trip Reports, News Page|

Reported by Bob Quaccia. The 19th Annual American Dipper count on Ashland Creek yielded a slightly above average total of 5 Dippers. A lucky number of 13 observers hugged both sides of the creek for 1.75 miles stopping at every bridge to compare notes. The mild weather was a great improvement over last year’s snow [...]


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Ashland CBC Data 2017-2024

Interpreting these numbers should be done with caution, and requires considerable care and allowing for a number of variables. These include the effort put forth to find and count the birds. The number of observers and parties, the effort in hours and miles traveled, and in some cases the experience and skill of observers can affect numbers of birds recorded.
Select the desired species below and hit the update button


Medford CBC Data 2017-2024

Interpreting these numbers should be done with caution, and requires considerable care and allowing for a number of variables. These include the effort put forth to find and count the birds. The number of observers and parties, the effort in hours and miles traveled, and in some cases the experience and skill of observers can affect numbers of birds recorded.
Select the desired species below and hit the update button