RVAS October 2020 Program

By |2020-10-30T16:41:59-07:00October 2nd, 2020|News Page|

Resilient Forests for Nature & People of the Rogue Valley Presented by DARREN BORGIAS Darren Borgias, Southwestern Oregon Forest Conservation Director for The Nature Conservancy (TNC), will give a Zoom presentation and invite dialogue about “Resilient Forests for Nature and People of the Rogue Valley”. Darren Borgias has guided TNC protection and restoration work in [...]

Great Fall Migration Yard Big Sit

By |2020-09-24T11:35:36-07:00September 24th, 2020|Community, Field Trip Reports, News Page|

The first ever RVAS Great Fall Migration Yard Big Sit on September 19, 2020 was a success. While in person field trips have been cancelled for the foreseeable future, nine yards participated in a 24-hour big day from the convenience of their own yards. While enjoying the birds in my yard, it wasn’t lost on [...]

RVAS September 2020 Program

By |2020-09-23T15:32:23-07:00August 31st, 2020|News Page|

Tuesday, Tuesday September 22 at 7:00 pm FIGHTING CRIME WITH FEATHERS:  The Casebook of a Forensic Ornithologist Presented by PEPPER TRAIL   Join us on Zoom as our own Pepper Trail, the world’s leading forensic ornithologist, lifts the curtain on the secret world of wildlife crime. As the ornithologist at the National Fish and Wildlife [...]

Federal Judge Overturns Trump Administration Attempt to Gut MBTA

By |2021-04-10T10:08:49-07:00August 13th, 2020|News Page|

Great news for birds! In 2018, Audubon, several other conservation groups, and eight states filed lawsuits challenging the U.S. Department of the Interior’s elimination of longstanding bird protections under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). On Monday (August 10) U.S. district court struck down the legal opinion used to justify the Trump administration’s coming rollback [...]

Comment Letter: Bear Grub Timber Sale EA Comments

By |2021-04-10T10:08:33-07:00July 13th, 2020|News Page|

July 13, 2020 Lauren Brown Field Manager Ashland Resource Area Medford BLM 3040 Biddle Road Medford, OR 97504   RE: Bear Grub Timber Sale EA Comments DOI-BLM-ORWA-M060-2020-0001-EA   Dear Ms. Brown: The Rogue Valley Audubon Society (RVAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society with over 500 members in Jackson County. The survival of [...]

Conservation Related Issues To Which the Chapter Has Recently Weighed In

By |2020-07-13T19:11:32-07:00July 13th, 2020|Conservation Permanent, News Page|

Bear Grub Timber Sale EA Comments (July 2020) Letter From Chapter to BLM Comments on Public Access to, and Management of, the Imperatrice Property (March 2020) Letter From Chapter and SOLC to City of Ashland Comments on Proposed Rule and Environmental Impact Statement for Migratory Bird Treaty Act (March 2020) Letter From State Audubon Chapters [...]

Comment Letter: Statement for Migratory Bird Treaty Act

By |2021-04-10T10:08:14-07:00March 24th, 2020|News Page|

Date: March 19, 2020 From: Audubon Society of Portland To: US Fish and Wildlife Service Re: Docket No. FWS-HQ-MB-2018-0090, Proposed Rule and Environmental Impact Statement for Migratory Bird Treaty Act   Dear US Fish and Wildlife Service, Please accept the following comments from Audubon Chapters in Oregon including Audubon Society of Portland, East Cascades Audubon [...]

Comment Letter: Public Access to, and Management of, the Imperatrice Property

By |2021-04-10T10:07:52-07:00March 24th, 2020|News Page|

To: The Ashland City Council, Mayor John Stromberg CC: Paula Brown, Public Works Director; Michael Black, Director of Parks and Recreation From: Pepper Trail, Rogue Valley Audubon Society Kristi Mergenthaler, Southern Oregon Land Conservancy Date: March 17, 2020 Subject: Public Access to, and Management of, the Imperatrice Property The Rogue Valley Audubon Society (RVAS) and [...]

RVAS February 2020 Program

By |2020-02-28T15:56:23-08:00January 29th, 2020|News Page|

The Applegate Siskiyous: Wildlands, Wildflowers and Biodiversity Naturalist, environmental activists and author Luke Ruediger, will take you on an in-depth visual journey across the Applegate Siskiyous, highlighting the many botanical areas, rare plants, wildlands, and special places of the region. The presentation covers the entire Applegate River Watershed from its confluence with the Rogue River [...]

Community Scientists Needed for Short-eared Owl Surveys! 

By |2021-04-10T10:06:18-07:00January 2nd, 2020|News Page, Volunteer|

Attention Rogue Valley Birders! I am pleased to announce a community science opportunity in Oregon. Klamath Bird Observatory is partnering with Intermountain Bird Observatory to carry out Western Asio Flammeus Landscape Study (WAfLS). This citizen science project, now spanning eight western states, is designed to gather information to better evaluate the population status of the [...]


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Ashland CBC Data 2017-2024

Interpreting these numbers should be done with caution, and requires considerable care and allowing for a number of variables. These include the effort put forth to find and count the birds. The number of observers and parties, the effort in hours and miles traveled, and in some cases the experience and skill of observers can affect numbers of birds recorded.
Select the desired species below and hit the update button


Medford CBC Data 2017-2024

Interpreting these numbers should be done with caution, and requires considerable care and allowing for a number of variables. These include the effort put forth to find and count the birds. The number of observers and parties, the effort in hours and miles traveled, and in some cases the experience and skill of observers can affect numbers of birds recorded.
Select the desired species below and hit the update button