RVAS January 2020 Program
January 2020 Chapter Meeting: TUESDAY, January 28 at 7:00 pm Program Title: Uncovering the hidden world of a secretive seabird Description: The Marbled Murrelet is a threatened seabird that nests in Oregon forest, up to 50 miles inland. This seabird species has long challenged both scientists and land managers alike with its unique life history [...]
BLM excludes monument from proposed management plan
Good news! BLM has removed the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, as well as wilderness areas, from its draft Medford BLM Integrated Vegetation Management Plan (IVM-RL-EA). See the announcement below. Most Oregon Audubon chapters signed on to a letter circulated by Rogue Valley Audubon opposing the inclusion of these areas in the plan, which emphasizes large-scale logging. [...]
RVAS October 2019 Program
OCTOBER Program Tuesday, October 22 at 7:00 pm “MONARCHS AND MILKWEED” Presented by Stephanie Hazen Stephanie Hazen moved to Salem, Oregon in 1977 soon after graduating from Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine. In Salem she owned and operated a small animal/exotics veterinary hospital until retiring in 2011. Both Stephanie and her husband Ray [...]
USFWS Profiles Pepper Trail
RVAS Conservation Chair Pepper Trail is featured in this USFWS web article. The article details his job at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Forensic Lab in Ashland, Oregon, and how he ended up there. Way to go Pepper!
RVAS September 2019 Program
SEPTEMBER Program Tuesday, September 24 at 7:00 pm “Birding Malheur and Harney County in Any Season” Presented by Harry Fuller We will explore this wonderful mix of sagebrush steppe, freshwater marsh, conifer-clogged canyons and sub-alpine meadows. Here Great Basin birds mix with those of the Pacific Slope: Black and Forster’s Terns, Sandhill Cranes and Trumpeter [...]
Volunteer to count swifts
It is that time of year for Vaux's Swift conduct their evening swirling acrobatics during fall migration. Rogue Valley Audubon Society members are collecting data every night this month for the citizen science project Vaux's Happening (https://www.vauxhappening.org/) and eBird at Hedrick Middle School in Medford. Feel free to join them and watch the the chimney [...]
Vaux’s Swift Night at Hedrick Middle School
This year’s Vaux’s Swift Family Fun Night sponsored by Rogue Valley Audubon Society at Hedrick Middle School in Medford is Monday, Sept. 9. Join us for a joyous evening of watching the aerial display of hundreds of swifts circling and dropping into the school’s famous brick chimney. Hear about why this Medford stopover on their southern migration [...]