RVAS member’s article on cover of JPR’s magazine
Juliet Grable, co-chair of our Conservation Committee and editor of The Chat wrote a very interesting article about being a volunteer firefighter with the Greensprings Fire and Rescue unit. Juliet's experience gives her an in-depth knowledge of the challenges that face so many of our rural communities when they have to deal with wildfires. Read "Into [...]
Help protect Oregon’s fragile wetland and intermittent stream habitat
We need your help! A really bad bill (HB 2437) that poses a major threat to Oregon’s intermittent streams and wetlands has been passed out of the Oregon Legislature Ways and Means Committee and is now headed to the floor of the Oregon and House and Senate for a vote. This is a bill that never should have [...]
June Birds and Beers
Date/Time: Thursday, June 13, 2019. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Location: Greensprings Inn, Hwy 66. Ashland, Oregon. This is a casual gathering for folks to chat with fellow birders about anything bird related. Topics may include upcoming field trips, current research, interesting sightings, conservation initiatives, favorite birding hotspots, anything you want to discuss. This new [...]
May Birds and Beers
Date/Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2019. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Location: EL TAPATIO 1633 OR-99. Ashland, Oregon. This is a casual gathering for folks to chat with fellow birders about anything bird related. Topics may include upcoming field trips, current research, interesting sightings, conservation initiatives, favorite birding hotspots, anything you want to discuss. This new [...]
RVAS Annual Picnic
TUESDAY, May 21 at 6:00 PM at TOUVELLE STATE PARK The annual picnic replaces our May chapter meeting. Come celebrate our valley birds. All members and guests are welcome! Bring a dish to share, plus your own plate, cup and utensils. Tea and lemonade will be provided. Birding Bingo and a bird walk to follow. [...]
RVAS April 2019 Program
TUESDAY, April 23 at 7:00 PM Birds of Botswana and Zimbabwe Presented by André Carvalhaes This program is a photographic sampling of the rich biodiversity and fauna of Okavango Delta, Chobe National Park and Hwangue National Park. We will explore these incredible regions as I share bits of information on how to get there, the [...]
RVAS works to bring back Purple Martins
Link to article in March 23 Mail Tribune.
RVAS March 2019 Program
TUESDAY, March 26 at 7:00 PM Local and Worldwide Bird and Wildlife Images Presented by Jim James As a small boy Richard E “Jim” James moved from Montana to Oregon with his family in the early 1940’s and was brought up on the Oregon coast and the Rogue Valley where he and his wife, Valerie, [...]
April Birds and Beers
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 2, 2019. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Location: Northwest Pizza. 1585 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland, Oregon. This is a casual gathering for folks to chat with fellow birders about anything bird related. Topics may include upcoming field trips, current research, interesting sightings, conservation initiatives, favorite birding hotspots, anything you want to discuss. This [...]